Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A True Leader Passes...

Yesterday, my business colleagues and I were sad to learn that a great sales person, a great business leader, and a great man  - one we all admired - passed away. While we don't know the circumstances of his death, we all know he was too young to die and his passing was unexpected. I personally had limited dealings with him, but still admired him from afar. We are all grieving as a good man has died too soon, leaving an unmatched legacy we can only wish to leave behind when we pass on.

He was unlike any of his peers. He had a smile and a charm that made a lasting impression. And his charisma was real. He was trustworthy and true to his word. He knew how to motivate and lead people to win - win for themselves and win for him. You wanted to be part of his team. You wanted to be near him in the hopes that some of his 'greatness' would rub off on you. He was one-of-a-kind.

With his passing, I remember the recent articles I've seen on LinkedIn about the difference between a boss and a leader. I know that when I read these types of articles in the future, I will always think of him - a true leader.

I wish I had known him better so I could have learned how to emulate him. While there are many people who were close to him - worked or lived close to him - I am sure there are many more people who lived on the periphery of his life, and like me, could only wish there had been more opportunity to know him better.

This is my personal goodbye to an individual who made a lasting impression on my life. I will always remember him fondly and I pray for his family, who I hope can find some consolation in knowing how he changed so many lives for the better.

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